The interpreter Cecilia Eljuri uses her voice not only to sing, but also to denounce and shout her disagreement on and off the stage. The activist also was part of the organization of the women's march against President Donald Trump held around the American union in January.
Without knowing what would happen in the United States with the arrival of Trump to the power, Cecilia Eljuri prepared a disc called the fight , that saw the light in a crucial moment for the immigrants.
"I did not do that, but I feel our rights as migrants are bad. There is crisis of violence and that today is worse with Trump. So now I have more courage to use my voice, "says the Ecuadorian singer in an interview.
Their songs are a vehicle to point out and show positions that have to do with their environment and with society. Letters that talk about how each one has his own fight against violence, arms, the condition of the migrants and more insults. But it also shows how to rise up against injustice and give hope.
The path has not been quite easy as an artist, although he grew up in New York, because he is moving in a distant path to commercial trends. "You find your space as an artist in which you have to be real and honest. You must have faith in your own voice. That's where I feel most comfortable, in that freedom. "
With that same freedom he approaches different genres in his music. This is because, on the one hand, at home, he listened to boleros, tangos, cumbia and Latin rhythms by his parents; and on the other, lived the New York punk rock scene also influenced by reggae. Receiving these two rivers of music is the main reason that everything ends in a style of their own where all those sounds are fused.
But the singer-songwriter does not just stay in the songs. "Between music and fighting the bad thing that the president is doing, I'm growing," says Cecilia making it clear that music and songs can also lead to action.